
Friday, May 8, 2020

Lego Marble Run

We were challenged to make a marble run. I decided to make a lego one, this is what it looked like:

It took lots of tries to get it to go down for the video. 😂


  1. Wow Elliot that is so cool! I'm sure that took ages to perfect. How many times did you have to redesign it before the marble ran down smoothly. I like the hoop at the end. It's great that you added the videos of the trials and the success. Great design work Elliot.

  2. Woo! that is so cool Elliot your so good at building lego stuff

  3. Kia ora Elliot, thanks for completing the marble run challenge! I love the fact you made your whole marble run out of Lego. I will send you and your Mum instructions on how to embed your movie to your blog. Elizabeth


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