
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Maths Home Learning V2 4

 Chameleons have really long tongues, which they rapidly extend to catch their pray.

Their tongues can move at about 26 body lengths per second!!!
If a chameleons body length is 50cm,
how fast does that tongue move in one second?

50cm + 50cm = 1m x 2 =2m x2 = 4m x 2 = 8m + 50cm = 8.5m + 50cm = 9m + 1m = 10m
1m x 6 = 6m + 10m = 13m

Asteroid Settlement 3D Diagram


This is a diagram of what Asteroidia (A city in the asteroid belt. And also Asteroidia is spelled wrong) it would look like if I ever did actually build it. I made this on a website called Vectary.

It supports human life with its water recycling system and its farms and as you can probably tell it's for the asteroid belt.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Rock Turtles

 Today I made a rock turtle, (Is that a type of turtle?) I did paint some other things but I want to show them. Here are some pictures of them:

Maths Home Learning V2 3

 Today for maths we had to pick five different activity and the time ourselves doing those things, here's what I did:



Amount Of Times (1min)

Amount Of Times (20s)

Amount Of Times (2min)

Throwing soft toy whale in the air and catching it



Walking across the room





How many lego bricks can i stack



How many times can i put my oodie on and off



Throw a ball into something



Thursday, August 26, 2021

Maths Home Learning V2 2

 Aunty has made pies for a bake sale. She wants to find the weight of the pies.

She has a problem; she only has one 200g weight and one 125g weight.

She found that the scales balanced with both weights and a quarter of a pie


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Maths Home Learning V2

 To make lemonade (for six people) you need:

  1. 200g sugar
  2. 250mls warm water
  3. 200mls lemon juice
  4. 600mls cold water
Your kaiawhina group has 30 students
Adjust your recipe, so that you have enough for everyone to have a lemonade.
Can you convert the amounts into litres?
  1. 1kg sugar
  2. 1.25l warm water
  3. 1l lemon juice
  4. 3l cold water

Quick Writes

This tiny mouse looks shocked and surprised, can you explain why?

The mouse was making lunch and he forgot to get some cheese, so he went to get some and when he came back the rest of his lunch was gone!!

Would you rather be the star actor/ actress in a movie or the director? Why?

I would rather be the director because I might be able to choose what happens.

What do you think  is on the other side of this door?

I think there is a warm bed and a toasty fire with an old man sitting in a rocking chair with a banjo.

What would it be like to climb to the very top of Mt Everest(The tallest mountain in the world)

It would be very cold and exciting and then when you get to the top there would probably be nothing there.   

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Asteroid Belt Diagram



Friday, August 20, 2021

Things About Surviving On Other Planets

 This is my animation about other planets: