
Friday, August 20, 2021

Things About Surviving On Other Planets

 This is my animation about other planets:


  1. Nice work Elliot. I love how carefully you have labelled everything. You certainly have thought about what would be needed for a mission to Mars. Do you think all seeds would grow on Mars? Which ones would most likely be taken?

  2. That is great Elliot! I really like the labelled diagram in the animation. I wonder if you could duplicate the slides with writing so the viewer has more time to read them? Keep up the amazing work.

  3. Wow Elliot I am super impressed with your animation. You've put a lot of work into this AND gathered a lot of research facts as well. I loved the flag you left on Mars it was very funny. Lol. Did you do this all by yourself or did friends help?

  4. Wow Elliot I am super impressed with your animation, you've put a lot of work into this AND gathered a lot of research facts too. I thought the flag left on Mars was very funny Lol!
    Keep up the good work

  5. Wow Elliot I'm super impressed with your animation! You have worked very hard on this AND done lots of research as well. Did you do this all by yourself, or did friends help? I loved the flag that was left on Mars - very funny Lol.
    Can't wait to see the next thing you post

  6. Wow Elliot that is amazing! It looks like it took a long time to make. Did you have fun making the animation? Maybe next time you could make it a bit longer, But other than that it is amazing! Keep up the good work!

  7. Hi Elliot,
    What a great animation showing your thinking and learning about our survival on Mars. This must have taken you ages to research and create. Would you travel to mars, if you were given the chance? Well done!

  8. Hi Elliot,I like how you told everyone (who watches this) what we need to survive on Mars! Also your Rover & spacesuits (and flag). Keep up the good work! Hugo


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