
Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Quick Writes

This tiny mouse looks shocked and surprised, can you explain why?

The mouse was making lunch and he forgot to get some cheese, so he went to get some and when he came back the rest of his lunch was gone!!

Would you rather be the star actor/ actress in a movie or the director? Why?

I would rather be the director because I might be able to choose what happens.

What do you think  is on the other side of this door?

I think there is a warm bed and a toasty fire with an old man sitting in a rocking chair with a banjo.

What would it be like to climb to the very top of Mt Everest(The tallest mountain in the world)

It would be very cold and exciting and then when you get to the top there would probably be nothing there.   

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elliot,
    How rude that someone stole his lunch! I would love it if you could elaborate with some more people - who are the suspects? Why might they have stolen it? Why did the mouse leave his cheese unattended?
    Keep up the writing!


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